GOLD´S GYM [Gold's Gym] 3rd floor

*Applicable to people over 16 years old. On the same-day of your stay, please bring an official ID with your current address and proof that you are staying overnight. Clothes, towels, and shoes are required to use the facility. Please bring your own or rent one for a fee.
Paid rentals include towels (small) for 110 JPY, towels (large) for 160 JPY, shirts for 340 JPY, pants for 340 JPY, shoes for 340 JPY, and full sets for 1,050 JPY.
*Persons falling under ① and ② will not be allowed to use the facility. ① Those who have been drinking ② Those with non-standard tattoos (15cm x 15cm or more)
*The guest room elevator does not stop at the 3rd floor. Please go down to the second floor and change elevators.