In-Room Telephone Front Desk No. (3)

Please press (3) to go to the front desk.

[When calling outside]
If you are calling outside, please dial (0) and then the number of the other party.
[Example] Dial (0) - Area code - ◯◯◯◯ - ◯◯◯◯
*Please pay your telephone charges at the front desk when you check out.

[When calling overseas]
When calling outside the country, dial (0) - (010) - the other party's country code - the other party's area code - the other party's phone number.
*Please pay your telephone charges at the front desk when you check out.

[When calling to other rooms]
If the destination's guest room number is 3 digits, please dial (1) followed by the destination's guest room number.
If it is a 4-digit number, please dial the destination's room number.
[Example] For 3 digits...Room 901 → Dial (1) - (901)
In the case of 4 digits…Room 1001 (guest room number as is) → (1001)

[morning Call]
First, dial (7) and then dial your desired time using a 4-digit number.
(Automatic set) [Example] 7:30→(7)−(0730)
To cancel, dial (88)
If you register more than once, your previous registration will be automatically cancelled.